The 2023 Evidence and Implementation Summit will be holding two in-person pre-summit workshops on 9/10/2023 between 13:00 and 16:30. These two workshops will be led by global implementation science experts and cover areas pivotal to the successful implementation of evidence in practice. They will be interactive workshops with many opportunities to interact with other participants. The focus will be on gaining practical knowledge and resources to assist with your day-to-day work.
Places in each workshop are limited and we expect both to fill quickly. To secure your spot, register for #EIS2023 and select the workshops you would like to attend (workshops will run simultaneously for 3.5hrs). As a reminder, only in-person registered guests can enrol, if you would like to add a workshop to your existing registration, please email

Workshop A: ‘Hybrid’ studies in implementation research: What they are and why, when, and how to use them
Traditional evaluations that only measure effectiveness outcomes can be uninformative and potentially misleading because they do not adequately consider or test whether interventions were implemented well, nor do they test specific implementation strategies. Hybrid studies, as described by Curran and Colleagues (2012; 2022), incorporate methods that simultaneously measure both implementation and effectiveness, providing a more comprehensive understanding of interventions and how they are delivered.
In this half-day workshop, participants will learn the basics of designing Hybrid Studies building on Curran et al.'s (2012) Hybrid 1-2-3 Typology.
Learning objectives:
Gain an understanding of the history of Hybrid Studies and why they are such an important part of implementation research
Gain a solid understanding of the Curran and Colleagues' Hybrid 1-2-3 Typology
Be exposed to the latest thinking and critiques on the Hybrid 1-2-3 Typology
Learn how to identify Hybrid Studies
Learn how to begin designing Hybrid Studies in applied settings
Become aware of the common challenges and pitfalls to the design, execution and publication of Hybrid Studies
9 OCTOBER 2023
In-Person at MCEC Melbourne | 1:00pm to 4:30pm | $180.00 p/p | Limited Tickets
Workshop B: Implementation fundamentals for service improvement
This half-day workshop will benefit those seeking to improve their understanding of how to use principles, practices, and tools from implementation science to support service improvement efforts. The workshop will provide an overview of the fundamentals of implementation science for those working towards evidence-informed implementation in human services. It will be relevant for those charged with implementing evidence-informed policies, programs or services - including those working within government departments and service delivery agencies.
The workshop will provide an overview of how implementation frameworks can be useful tools for guiding real world implementation efforts, how to select and utilise best bet implementation strategies, and how to use data to support decision making and hone implementation strategies to address barriers.
The workshop will take a pragmatic approach and consider real-world challenges facing the human services sector including limited resources, high demand for services, and workforce shortages. The workshop will also explore how to engage with stakeholders at all levels to support implementation efforts. Participants will be supported to consider how such implementation fundamentals can be applied to their current service improvement efforts.
Learning objectives:
Understand the fundamentals of implementation science including principles, strategies and considerations for ‘real world’ implementation
Understand how to use implementation frameworks to support service improvement
Know how to select and apply ‘best bet’ implementation strategies to support service improvement
Learn important techniques for engaging stakeholders in implementation efforts
Understand how implementation fundamentals can be applied to your real-world/current service improvement efforts.
9 OCTOBER 2023
In-Person at MCEC Melbourne | 1:00pm to 4:30pm | $180.00 p/p | Limited Tickets